Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Awakening the Giant

The other night, I had a proud dad moment. I looked at my son in the dining room while I was in the kitchen. I grabbed my wife to give her a big hug and I whispered in her ear, " watch this." I said, "Jeremiah I got mommie! What are you going to do?" My wife chimmed in and said, "Save me Jeremiah!" My son (to my shock) got down from his seat and growled and charged at me with this intent to do whatever it took to save his mom. She picked him up gave him a big hug and I praised him as if he won the superbowl.

It was at this point I realized that God was awakening the giant in my little giant. God has inscribed in each man a desire to be a warrior, a beauty to fight for and adventure to seek. He has placed in each man the ability to Love like him. As Pope John Paul II said " God has assigned a duty to every man, the dignity of every woman." This is not some mere romantic poetry. It is a mission.

My son revealed to me the heart I need to strive for towards this call that is inscribed in my core. This beautiful precious women God has entrusted to my care. What an honor to be given this task. What a risk. What love and admiration God must have for me to bless me with such a gift. I thank God for awakening in through my son the giant that was deep within me longing to come out. Every boy and man longs to be awakened. Now is the time to draw close to him and let the Father awaken the spirit that will set the world ablaze.

This blog is to train boys in becoming men and to help young men discover what God has placed in their hearts. Young men seek to love your brides or future brides as Christ. He is the model husband and even if you are called to be a priest, how befitting is it then to emulate Christ because His Bride becomes yours.

"Husbands Love your wives as Christ loved the Church and gave his life up for her." Ephesians 5:25

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