Wednesday, November 10, 2010


It is amazing to me the number of times men (not excluding women) put their foots in their mouth. We all have done it at one time. The crazy thing is sometimes it happens even when you do not realize it. Here are seven things to avoid telling a lady. Eventhough you may think you are complimenting her or helping, she will find them as an insult. The way this is set up is the guys statement will be in blue, then in red I will write what she hears. In case you are wondering, Yes I have said all of these.

1. "I understand what it is like to have a weight problem."
"I understand what it is like to be FAT." 

2. "Just more of a woman to love."
"Because you are fat it just means there is more of you to love."
3. "Your Homely."
"You are ugly."
P.S. Never say this I thought this meant you can cook well and keep things in order and clean.

4. "You look pretty today."
 " You only look pretty today."

5. "If I ate as much as you, I would be huge."
"You eat a lot and thank God I dont' because I would look like you." 

6. "When is the baby coming."
No need to say what they are thinking. My advice is do not say anything about it. If you are curious pray that God will take it away. This is just a bad scenario because if she is pregnant she may be feeling big and if she is not, you just pretty much said she is. I am just trying to help.

7. "Girl, you are a beast."
 "You are a crazy big animal."
Ok I admit most of you guys would never call a lady this but every man would agree, if he were called a beast He would love it.

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